We undertake feasibility study on earthen and concrete pond construction, fish feed production etc.Feasibility reports discusses the practicality,
and possibly the suitability and compatibility
of a given project, both in physical and
economic terms. It also discusses the
desirability of the proposed project from the
view point of those who would be affected by it. One way to plan the start up process and
resolve many of the issues that may arise is
to carry out - or commission - a formal
feasibility study It therefore follows that every
project must have a feasibility report done
before its commencement. We undertake the preparation of feasibility
reports for fish farming businesses from
table size fish production, fingerling
production, snail, piggery production and
also on fish feed production all at moderate
prices. Send mail to or
call us on +2348032861326 (08032861326). For help and consultancy.


Investors have the opportunity to
establish a fish farming business in Nigeria. Nigerians are large consumers of fish
and it remains one of the main
products consumed in terms of animal
protein. Only around 20% of demand
for fish is currently being met by local
supply. The fisheries sector is estimated to contribute 3.5% of
Nigeria's GDP and provides direct and
indirect employment to over six
million people. Nigeria has many rivers and
water bodies which would serve as
good locations to set-up fish farms.
Opportunities exist in various areas
of the fishing sub-sector, these
include: Production of table size fish, Construction of fish farms, Storage Processing and preservation of captured fish. Fish seed multiplication Transport Financing Reasons to invest in Nigeria Incentives: The Nigerian
Government is willing to extend a
number of incentives to serious
investors. These include the provision
of land and infrastructure, tax
holidays and assistance with obtaining financing. Labor: construction of the fishery industry that can employ unemployed citizens of Nigeria. Cargo terminal: A new cargo terminal at the
Ilorin International Airport will soon be
completed and will allow for goods to be
transported via air, both locally and
internationally. Power supply: Due to the recent completion
of the Ganmo sub-station, Nigeria currently enjoys very close to 24
hours a day of uninterrupted power supply.
Many business owners are delighted by the
fact that they have to make very little use of generators. Political will: The government of Nigeria
is devoted to creating an enabling
environment for business and investment.
The country is also committed to continuity of
policies which will ensure that an investor
friendly environment remains even after the end of the current administration's tenure. Investment insurance: Nigeria is a member
of MIGA (Multilateral Investment Guarantee
Agency) and the ICSD (International Centre
for Settlement of Investment Disputes). Contact Details Investors interested in this opportunity should contact kingsway Agro Services or call us on 08032861326.


In fish farming, there are two main type of pond construction namely concrete pond setup and earthen pond construction, there are still other means one can use in fish culture such as using tapolin or lynon, plstic tanks and fibire glass tank as an alternative.
for help and consultancy call 08032861326.


Hatcheries used in producing catfish are simple facilities that use
flow-through tanks holding about
90 to 100 gallons of water for egg
incubation and fry rearing. The
most critical factor for a successful hatchery is a dependable supply of
high-quality water. Egg hatching tanks are equipped
with a series of paddles spaced
along the length of the tank to
allow wire-mesh baskets to fit
between them. One or two egg
masses are placed in each basket and the paddles gently rotate
through the water to provide
water circulation and aeration. The
incubation time varies from 5 to 8
days depending upon water temperature. At hatching, the fry (called sac-fry
at this point) fall or swim through
the wire-mesh basket and school in
tight groups. Sac-fry are siphoned
into a bucket and transferred to a
fry rearing tank. Aeration in fry rearing tanks is provided by
surface agitators or by air bubbled
through airstones. Initially, sac-fry are not fed
because they derive nourishment
from the attached yolk sac. Over a
3- to 5-day period after hatching
they absorb the yolk sac and turn
black. At that time fry (now called swim-up fry) swim to the water
surface seeking food. Swim-up fry
must be fed 6 to 12 times a day for
good survival and growth. Fry are
fed nutritionally complete feed for
2 to 7 days before they are transferred to a nursery pond. Fingerling Production Culture practices for fingerling
production are relatively
standardized across the industry,
especially when compared to the
wide variety of production
strategies used to grow food-sized catfish. Fry grow faster when
stocked at lower densities but
more space is required to grow
larger fingerlings at lower
densities. Stocking rate is therefore
a compromise between benefits of producing large fingerlings for
foodfish growout and the
economics of producing more small
fingerlings in less space. Fish are
fed a manufactured feed and
grown to fingerling size (3 to 8 inches long) over a 5 to 10 month
period. Fish are either allowed to
continue growing in their original
nursery ponds or are harvested
and transferred to other ponds for
growout to stocker-sized fish of 0.1 to 0.25 pounds or to food-sized fish
of 1.2 to 2.5 pounds. It is important to fertilize nursery
ponds so that they contain
abundant natural foods to promote
growth until the fry are large
enough to switch to manufactured
feeds. A finely ground feed should be offered once or twice daily to
train fish to accept the feed. As the
fish grow, feed particle size is
increased. A month or so after
stocking, the fish (now called
fingerlings) are fed once or twice daily to satiation, using a small
floating pellet with 45 to 65
percent crude protein. Because fingerling populations are
particularly susceptible to
infectious diseases, disease
management takes on added
importance in this stage of
production. Survival of catfish fry to fingerlings varies greatly from
pond-to-pond depending on the
initial condition of the nursery
pond, losses to bird predation, and
the incidence of infectious diseases.
Average survival from fry stocking to fingerling harvest in excess of 60
percent across all ponds on the
farm is considered to be very



Current global fisheries production of ranges 160 million tons is rising as a result of increases in aquaculture production. A number of climate-related threats to both capture fisheries and aquaculture are identified, but we have low confidence in predictions of future fisheries production because of uncertainty over future global aquatic net primary production and the transfer of this production through the food chain to human consumption. Recent changes in the distribution and productivity of a number of fish species can be described with high confidence to regional climate variability, such as the El Niño–Southern Oscillation. Future production may increase in some high-
latitude regions because of warming and decreased ice cover, but the dynamics in low- latitude regions are governed by different processes, and production may decline as a result of reduced vertical mixing of the water column and, hence, reduced recycling of nutrients. There are strong interactions between the effects of fishing and the effects of climate because fishing reduces the age, size, and geographic diversity of populations and the biodiversity of marine ecosystems, making both more sensitive to additional stresses such as climate change. Inland fisheries are additionally threatened by changes in precipitation and water management. The frequency and intensity of extreme climate events is likely to have a major impact on future fisheries production in both inland and marine systems. Reducing fishing mortality in the majority of fisheries, which are currently fully exploited or over exploited, is the principal feasible means of reducing the impacts of climate change.
call us 08032861326


In fish farming oxygen level in pond water is very important. Dissolved oxygen (DO) refers to oxygen gas
that is dissolved in water. Fish "breathe"
oxygen just as land animals do. However,
fish are able to absorb oxygen directly from
the water into their blood stream using gills,
whereas land animals use lungs to absorb oxygen from the atmosphere.There are three main sources of oxygen in
the aquatic environment: 1) direct diffusion
from the atmosphere; 2) wind and wave
action; and 3) photosynthesis. Of these, photosynthesis
by aquatic plants and phytoplankton is the
most important. Oxygen, derived from photosynthesis, is
produced during the day when sunlight
shines on the plants in the water. Oxygen
levels drop at night because of respiration by
plants and animals, including fish. These
predictable changes in DO (dissolved oxygen) that occur every 24 hours are called the diurnal oxygen cycle
. Dissolved oxygen concentration in ponds fluctuates on a 24-hour basis. This fluctuation is called a diurnal oxygen cycle. Dissolved oxygen increases during day light hours when photosynthesis is occurring and decreases at night when respiration continues but photosynthesis does not. What is Oxygen Depletion? Oxygen depletion refers to low levels of DO
and may result in fish mortality. A
concentration of 5 mg/L DO is recommended
for optimum fish health. Sensitivity to low
levels of dissolved oxygen is species specific,
however, most species of fish are distressed when DO falls to 2-4 mg/L. Mortality usually
occurs at concentrations less than 2 mg/L.
The number of fish that die during an oxygen
depletion event is determined by how low
the DO gets and how long it stays down.
Usually larger fish are affected by low DO before smaller fish are. What Causes Oxygen Depletion? Oxygen depletion occurs when oxygen
consumption exceeds oxygen production.
Increases in oxygen consumption can be
caused by an over-abundance of aquatic
plants or algae in the ecosystem, "turnover"
of a body of water (see Stratification/Pond Turnover section), increased organic waste
entering the water (i.e., manure from
feed lots, septic tank waste water, and excess
fish feed), death and decay of organic matter
(i.e., plant or algae die-offs), or by certain
chemicals (i.e., formalin) that remove oxygen directly from the water column. Why Are Oxygen Depletion Events Most
Troublesome in the Summer? In out door ponds, oxygen depletion events
can occur at anytime, however, they are
most likely to cause fish kills during hot
summer weather. A decrease in oxygen
production is caused by incidents such as
cloudy weather and plant or algae die-offs that shut down photosynthesis. Heavy
populations of plants or algae are the most
important producers of oxygen in the
system. However, they are also the most
important users of oxygen. There are
several reasons why oxygen depletion events are more common in the summer and
they are discussed below. High Water Temperature Warm water is much less capable of holding
oxygen gas in solution than cool water. For
example, water that is 90° F can only hold
7.4 mg/L DO at saturation, whereas water
that is 45° F can hold 11.9 mg/L DO at
saturation. This physical phenomenon puts the fish in double jeopardy because at high
water temperatures their metabolic rates
increase, hence their physiologic demand for
oxygen increases. Cloudy, Still Weather Muggy, overcast summer days often
precipitate oxygen depletions. During cloudy
weather, the intensity of light reaching
surface waters is greatly diminished,
resulting in a marked decrease in oxygen
production from photosynthesis. Oxygen consumption, however, remains unchanged.
This results in a net loss of oxygen over each
24-hour period. This loss of oxygen from
decreased production is confounded by still,
muggy, humid weather common on overcast
summer days. Oxygen transfer (from the atmosphere into the water) is minimal
because there is little or no wind/wave
action. The net result over a period of
several days is oxygen depletion and, often,
fish kills. Stratification/Pond Turnover During hot weather, surface waters warm up
more rapidly than deeper waters. As the
difference in temperature increases between
warm surface water and cool bottom water,
a thermocline develops. A thermocline is an
area of rapid temperature change that acts as a physical barrier between warm water
at the surface (epilimnion) and cold water at
the bottom (hypolimnion). When a
thermocline is present there is no mixing of
surface and deep layers of water. Because
photosynthesis and oxygen production only occur near the surface, water in the deep
layer becomes devoid of oxygen and
develops an oxygen demand. The
thermocline can be broken by heavy wind
and cold rain, common during summer
thunderstorms. When the thermocline breaks down, the oxygen-rich surface waters mix
with oxygen-deficient bottom waters. If the
oxygen demand is sufficient, all DO present
will rapidly be removed from the water
column, resulting in severe oxygen depletion
and a fish kill. How to Determine If Low DO Is the Cause
of a Fish Kill All fish die at approximately the same time (often during the night or in the pre-dawn
hours). Large fish may be affected more than small fish. Moribund fish may be seen at the surface "gasping" for oxygen (this is called "piping"). Some species may die with their back arched, gills flared and mouth open. This is
most commonly seen in hybrid striped bass
and, occasionally, in catfish. The weather immediately prior to the fish kill may have been hot, still and overcast. A
severe thunderstorm may have occurred
immediately prior to the fish kill. An oxygen depletion event severe enough to result in significant fish mortality is often
observed in water with heavy populations of
algae or aquatic plants. What To Do if Low DO is Suspected as the
Cause of a Fish Kill The most important thing to do if fish are
dying from low DO is to turn on an aerator. If
emergency aeration is not available, little can
be done to help the fish. To confirm the
problem, oxygen levels should be tested
while the fish kill is in progress. Some county extension agents are equipped with water
testing equipment. In addition, biologists with
the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish
Commission or an IFAS Aquaculture Extension
Specialist may be available to assist. Preventing Oxygen Depletion An oxygen depletion event can be predicted
and, therefore, prevented by monitoring
dissolved oxygen levels in a pond. The most
efficient tool for measuring DO is an
electronic oxygen meter. These instruments
are available through most aquaculture supply companies at a variety of prices.
Chemical test kits are also available. These
are more trouble some to run, but are
accurate and do not require as great
investment by pond owners. Commercial catfish farms often hire night
oxygen crews to monitor the DO
concentration in each pond at two-hour
intervals through the night. This is the surest
way of avoiding a fish kill caused by low DO.
Aeration systems can be turned on if oxygen levels drop below a certain concentration
(usually 2-4 mg/L) depending on the fish
species. Monitoring oxygen throughout the night is
impractical for recreational pond owners and
part-time fish farmers. For these people it is
easier to "predict" an oxygen depletion by
measuring DO levels in the late afternoon
(5-6 p.m.) and late evening (8-10 p.m.). The decline in DO during the night can be
predicted by graphing DO concentration
against time on. If the projected concentration of DO is below 4 mg/L before 7 a.m. emergency
aeration is recommended. Estimation of potential for dissolved oxygen depletion. If equipment to test DO concentration (meter
or test kit) is not available, the following
observations and conditions can be used to
anticipate oxygen depletion: Fish swim at or near the surface gulping air (piping). Fish suddenly stop feeding. There is a rapid change in water color to brown, black or gray, signifying loss of an
algal bloom. A putrid odor arises from the water. There has been an extended period of hot cloudy weather. There is a heavy summer wind and a rain storm. Emergency aeration should be applied
whenever fish show signs of oxygen
depletion or when dissolved oxygen drops
below 4 mg/L. Many recreational pond owners purchase
aerators and place them on electric timers.
Proper use of the timer should have the
aerator turn on during the late evening (10
p.m. to midnight) and turn off after daylight
(7-8 a.m.). Using an aerator is not a complete substitute for monitoring DO concentrations
and an oxygen depletion event resulting in a
fish kill may still occur. However, use of an
aerator is recommended and will prevent
many problems. Summary Dissolved oxygen (DO) is oxygen gas (O 2) that is dissolved in water. Most DO in ponds is
produced during photosynthesis by aquatic
plants and algae. For this reason DO
increases during daylight hours, declines
during the night, and is lowest just before
daybreak. Dissolved oxygen concentrations below 5 mg/L may be harmful to fish and
piping (gulping air at the surface) may be
observed when DO falls below 2 mg/L. Low
levels of DO are most frequently associated
with hot, cloudy weather, algae die-offs, or
heavy thunderstorms. Dissolved oxygen can be monitored using an electronic oxygen
meter or chemical test kit. Emergency
aeration should be supplied whenever DO
falls below 4 mg/L or environmental
conditions favor an oxygen depletion event. Call 08032861326 for help and consultancy.


In deciding on choice of feed for fish it is important to purchase a 28-45 percent crude protein, 100 percent nutritionally-complete pelleted feed. At water temperatures above 65o F it should be presented in the form of a floating pellet, and the feeding response should be observed. Between 60 and 65º F it is preferable to mix a slow-sinking feed with a floating feed, and below 60º F a sinking feed is needed. The feed should be distributed as evenly as possible over the entire pond surface, and with the prevailing wind. No more feed should be purchased than can be used during a 60 to 90 day period beyond the manufacturing date. Feeding to Satiation The practice of satiation feeding always provides the correct amount of feed (percent BW) for water temperatures above 60º F. When feeding to satiation the fish should be offered only what they will eat in 20 to 25 minutes once a day. However, no more than 100 lb/ac with aeration and no more than 30 lb/ac without aeration should be offered. This applies equally to body weight feeding (see below). Body Weight Feeding (percent BW) This practice is most commonly used when the farmer has an accurate estimate of total fish weight in the pond. The daily feed is provided as a percent of total weight. For feed calculations, the percent is in decimal form (e.g. 3 percent = 3/100 = 0.03). Water temperatures are again influential. In general, for spring and autumn feeding (cool weather) water temperatures in large local reservoirs are good indicators of pond water temperatures. Pond temperatures are colder
in winter and warmer in summer than those in local reservoirs. At 50-60º F, feed 0.5-1.0 percent BW (or 5-10 lb feed/1000 lb fish, daily) using sinking feed;
At 60-70º F, feed 2.0 percent BW (or 20 lb feed/1000 lb fish, daily);
At 70-86º F, feed 3.0 percent BW (or 30 lb feed/1000 lb fish, daily);
At 90-95º F, feed 0.5-1.0 percent BW daily;
Above 95º F, feed no more than 0.5 percent BW every three days.
Note also that the percent BW fed changes with fish size. Timing of Feeding Dissolved oxygen levels must be higher than 3.0 ppm (mg/1), preferably 5.0 ppm. For fish under intensive production (>2000 lb/ac) the feed should be offered between 10:00 am and
1:00 pm. Under extensive production.
call 08032861326


In fish farming feeding rate changes with temperature. Catfish are cold-blooded animals (ectotherms). As water temperature increases and decreases so does the feeding activity of the catfish changes . To prevent excessive and under feeding, feeding rates must be adjusted as temperature changes. As long as water temperatures are above 60º F, satiation feeding will provide the correct amount of food (percent BW) required by channel catfish. When water temperatures drop below 60º F, channel catfish are reluctant to feed at the surface, and satiation feeding is no longer a reliable practice. It is difficult to observe feeding activity when the food sinks and the fish do not come up to feed. This is true whether it is autumn or spring. Catfish will still consume floating feed when water temperature is between 60 and 65º F. But when the temperature falls below 60º F, a sinking pellet should be used. Mixing a slow-sinking feed with floating feed during this transitional period (60-65º F) allows fish to become accustomed to sinking feed when water temperatures are falling in autumn, and floating feed when temperatures rise again in spring. The simplest way to adjust feeding when water temperature is between 50 and 60º F is to reduce by half the amount of feed consumed when the temperatures are 60 to 70º F. That is, if average daily feed consumption is 66 lb/ac when temperatures are 60 to 70º F, the daily feeding rate is reduced to 33 lb/ac when temperatures are between 50 and 60º F. In this same example, if water temperatures drop below 50º F, the standard recommendation is to feed 33 lb/ac every other day or every third day. When ice begins to form around the edges of ponds, feeding should be halted. Because feed is the largest single operational cost of any intensive farm, feeding accurately
can make the difference between profit and loss in commercial channel catfish farming. Knowing the general rules and understanding the exceptions are powerful management tools. The producer who takes a little extra time to observe feeding activity and adjust rates, to keep and maintain accurate records and even to create custom feeding tables, has a much better chance of owning the farm rather than betting it.To learn how to produce Floating local fish feed call us on 08032861326 for help and consultancy.


In fish farming, cage culture is one of the means of culturing fish in most ponds and waters. You can produce up to 2,000 pounds of catfish
per acre in cages and also have fish loose in
the pond. This level of production is not
recommended because it will increase
management problems and the likelihood of
water quality problems. For production of fish for home uses, a safer limit is 1,000
pounds of catfish in cages per acre. Cage Construction Various materials and designs can be used to
construct cages, but be sure the materials
will be able resist deterioration. Hard ware cloth and
metal screens rust quickly. Plastic coated
wire screen is satisfactory. Plastic screen is
preferred and nylon and polyethelene net can also be used. Use the largest mesh size that
will contain the size fish you plan to stock
while allowing sufficient water circulation
through the cage. One-half-inch mesh or
larger is preferred. You can buy ready-made cages, or you can
build a cage with a minimum of effort and
materials. For home uses, a cylindrical cage
four feet high and four feet in diameter is a
good size (Figure 4). Build a cylindrical cage by forming the
screening material into a cylinder and
fastening metal or fiber glass hoops to both
ends Cut out a circular piece of
screen and attach it to the bottom. Attach
another piece to a third hoop for a lid. Lace the screen to the hoops with a light electrical
wire, such as 18 gauge bell wire. Be sure to
run the wire through each mesh. This adds
strength and seals gaps where fish might
escape. A feeding ring is essential. Without it, water
will carry feed out of the cage before it is
consumed by the fish. A feeding ring can be
made of screen with a mesh size small
enough to prevent feed pellets from passing
through it. It should extend from the cage lid to about eight inches below the water
surface. A three-foot diameter feeding ring
can be fastened to the cage lid with
monofilament line or a four-foot diameter
feeding ring can be fastened to the interior
upper portion of the cage. The cage should float so the lid is three to six
inches above the water. Any method of
flotation can be used. Styrofoam blocks are
best; even plastic bottles can be used. Plastic
bottles such as milk or antifreeze jugs will
deteriorate in one or two seasons. Cage Placement, Select an area where there will be at least a
foot between the cage and pond bottom. Also,
select an area where water will circulate
freely through the cage. The end of a dock or
pier is usually a good location. If a dock is
unavailable, the cage can be attached to a metal or wooden pipe driven into the pond
bottom. More than one cage can be attached
to a durable nylon rope or cable strung
across the pond. In selecting an area also
consider how easy it will be to feed and
observe the fish. Stocking the Cage Except for stocking rates, all other factors
discussed in the section "Stocking Channel
Catfish into a Pond" apply to cages. A four-by-four-foot cylindrical cage will hold
about 500 fish grown to an average size of
one pound each. The total weight of fish in
cages cannot exceed the weight the entire
body of water would support if the fish were
loose. A safe level is about 1,000 pounds of catfish per acre of water, including fish in
cages and those that may be loose in the
pond. Feeding Catfish in Cages Feed caged catfish daily, since they do not
have access to natural food in the pond. Use a
commercial floating catfish feed that contains
at least 32 percent protein plus essential
vitamins and minerals. Use ¼- or 3/16-inch
pellets. Feed only what the fish will consume in a 15- to 20-minute period, and never
exceed 35 pounds of feed per acre a day.
Feed at the same time each day. When the
water temperature is below 65°F. follow
guidelines for winter feeding described in the
section "Feeding Catfish in Ponds." Raising Rainbow Trout in Cages With some exceptions, rainbow trout can be
raised in cages during the winter months in
most Georgia ponds. In most areas the
growing season is about four months.
Rainbow trout must be stocked when water
temperatures are below 70°F and harvested in the spring before the water reaches 70°F. Seven-inch long fingerlings should be stocked
so they will reach one half to three-fourths
pound at harvest. Stock no more than 300
fish in a 4-foot diameter, 4-foot cage. Trout should be fed a commercial floating
trout feed that has at least 40 percent crude
protein and all essential vitamins and
minerals. If possible, feed twice a day. Trout
will consume about 2 percent of their body
weight per day when water temperatures are above 50°F. When water temperatures
are below 50°F, feed 1 percent of their body
weight daily. Or, as a general rule, feed what
the fish will eat in a 30-minute period. Remember that rainbow trout are more
sensitive than channel catfish to handling, low
oxygen, and high temperatures.
call 08032861326


Most of fish feed pellet in market is
low in terms of water stability and
easily swell when it is immersed in
water. Thus, the soluble vitamins
and minerals will be easily leached
out from the pellet. These will lead to the nutrient deficiency and
environmental problems in fish
tanks or ponds. Therefore, a study
was conducted to minimise the

degree of swelling and mineral
leaching while the floating time is maximised. For these purpose
several formulations of fish feed
were made and tested. The
formulation was based on common
resources such as corn flour, soy
flour and tapioca flour for basal or energy feed stuff and fish meal, soybean meal azolla meal as the protein source other additives such as vitamines and some suplement to balance the fish feed. To get water stability which is better
floating time and lower leach
ability, palm oil stear in was added
as a main subject compound for
this study. Statistical method, D-
optimal crossed design of response surface methodology was used for the analysis and
optimisation of the properties of
fish feed pellet produced. In the
statistical analysis, the physical properties such as degree of swelling, leaching and floating
ability were chosen as the
responses where as pellets
composition and processing
temperature as the independent
factors. The result shows there is a relationship between fish feed
formulation and properties of fish
feed pellet produced. The optimum
of the floating time, leach ability
and stability of fish feed pellet also
can be obtained. For your floating local fish feed call us on 08032861326 for help and consultancy.


One hundred and twenty (120) 4-
week old finisher broilers of
Ross breed were used to study
the effect of feeding maggot meal replacing fish meal on growth performance, nutrient
digestibility, carcass and organ
characteristics. The birds were
divided into 5 treatment groups
identified as T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5
with 24 birds in each group. Each group was further replicated 3
times with 8 birds per replicate.
Five experimental diets were
formulated at T1 (0%), T2 (20%),
T3 (30%), T4 (40%) and T5 (50%)
maggot meal inclusion levels replacing fish meal and fed to the birds in a completely randomized
design (CRD). Water and feed
were served ad libitum. The
experiment lasted for 5 weeks.
The results on daily weight gain
and feed conversion ratio were similar (p>0.05) between the
birds fed maggot meal diets, but, differed significantly (p0.05) in
their crude fiber digestibility,
however, they differed
significantly from those of the
30, 40 and 50% maggot meal diets in crude fiber digestibility.
The dressed weight heart,
gizzard and abdominal fats
contents differed significantly
(p0.05). The results of this study
suggest that maggot meal can be incorporated in broiler finisher
diets up to 50% replacing fish meal without adverse effects on the growth, nutrient digestibility
and carcass organ


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Fingerlings & Feeds production, Pond Construction, fisheries consultancy, feasibility study for farms,piggery managment and all Agro matters.


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