In Nigeria there are many financial institutions established to help poor masses to achieve there dreams of becoming self employed and small scale industry or farms owners. But many does not know how to go about getting this help, and some does not know how to go about applying for such loans.
We undertake and write proposals for people that need such loanes to start there business and to boost their various businesses.
We afflict with financial institutions like:
All you have to do is to send your Email address and your business plan which will be of help to us in writing the proposal. And the feasibility study must be attached to it which we are going to prepare with your business plan.
After paying for our services, we will send you a copy and then to the Agric bank or any of the above for processing of your loan or you can equally present it your self. The most important thing is the convincing factor that will make a great difference. We have helped many to reach there goal and put smiles on many faces.
For payment of our services you can do that by paying in following account numbers:
First bank:3052856984
Access bank:0026460172.
Call: 08032861326.
Account name : obialor kingsley.o.


In Nigeria there are many financial institutions established to help poor masses to achieve there dreams of becoming self employed and small scale industry or farms owners. But many does not know how to go about getting this help, and some does not know how to go about applying for such loans.
We undertake and write proposals for people that need such loans to start there business and to boost their various businesses.
We afflict with financial institutions like:
All you have to do is to send your Email address and your business plan which will be of help to us in witting the proposal. And the feasibility study must be attached to it which we are going to prepare with your business plan.
After paying for our services, we will send you a copy and then to the Agric bank or any of the above for processing of your loan or you can equally present it your self. The most important thing is the convincing factor that will make a great difference. We have helped many to reach there goal and put smiles on many faces.
For payment of our services you can do that by paying in following account numbers:
First bank:3052856984
Access bank:0026460172.
Call: 08032861326.
Account name : obialor kingsley .o


Call 08032861326 Kingsway Agro Services. A feasibility study prepared for a catfish farm of capacity is 10,000 and fingerlings of high breed catfish where to be stocked. The expenses from pond contruction to marketing is in considered.
The farm is to have 10 concrete ponds of flow through system and each pond is to contains 1,000 stocked catfish.
Cost of constructing each pond is as follows.
Each pond is 3m x 2.5m by 1.4m, each pond consumes 210 blocks and each bag of cement for 30 blocks. Hence 210 x 10 = 2,100 blocks. 2,100/30 = 70 bags of cement needed. 70 x 200 = 140,000 naira.

4trips of sand used =700x4= 28,000 naira.
2trips of gravel = 32,000x 2= 64,000 naira.
Cost of labour =150,000 naira.
Cost of plumbing(inlet and outlet facility).=100,000.
Cost of bore hole =500,000 naira.
Cost of treatment= 50,000.
Cost of high breedfingerlings 30x10,000=300,000 naira.
Cost of feeding from day one to maturity stage is 200 bags of foreign feed = 1,000000 naira.
After the average weiht of the fish was 1.7kg. And it was sold at 800 naira each. The output was 800 x 9800 fishes, due to 200 mortality.
800 x 9800= 7,840,000 naira.
Input is 3.4'million naira.'
The profit is 4.44,000 million naira after six months of culture.
For your feasibility study call us on 08032861326.


Fish farming or aquaculture is a
growing industry full of
opportunities due to the increased
demand for fish as a source of
important nutrients for healthy
living. A small scale fish farm is relatively easy to establish since
the requirements are minimal and
the start-up costs are not
overwhelming. A feasibility report
analyzes an intended project in
terms of its viability, start-up costs and profitability. An ideal small
scale fish farming feasibility report
should include the following steps. Step 1 Introduction. The introduction part
of the feasibility report should
outline the importance and the
advantages of small scale fish
farming. Explain your project fully
in this section. Outline briefly how the project will be rolled out, how
you plan to benefit from the
project and the processes that will
be involved. Basically it is a
summary of the small scale fish
farming project. Step 2 Description of the project. In this
section, clearly outline the project's
location, the environment
surrounding it and the availability
of the resources required to start a
small scale fish farm. Highlight the project's mission and vision.
Business goals and the objectives
should also be included. Also
include a brief history of the
project and what motivated you to
start the fish farm. Step 3 Market description. Describe the
type of industry you will be
operating in, whether you will be
selling your products as a
wholesaler or a retailer. Identify
your target market and how you plan to penetrate that market.
Outline the marketing strategies
you will employ to market your
fish. Step 4 Description of your products.
Highlight different species of fish
that you will be rearing. Describe
how you selected those species.
Explain the pricing of your
products and the competitive edge your fish products have over other
products in the market. Step 5 Organization plan Outline the legal
structure under which the small
scale fish farm will operate,
whether it will be a sole
proprietorship, partnership or a
limited liability company. Identify the type of permits and licenses
that will be required for the
project. Explain the number of staff
and their qualifications that will be
necessary to successfully run the
fish farm. Outline how they will be organized in terms of duties and
responsibilities. Step 6 Marketing plan. Illustrate how you
plan to conduct your market
research to identify how you will
segment your market and how you
plan to satisfy each market
segment. Market segmentation entails identifying the different
portions of the market that are
different from one another in
terms of lifestyle, income levels,
location and spending habits.
Explain the strategies that will be used in the sale and distribution of
your fish to each market segment
to satisfy their unique needs. Also
include the strategies you will
employ to effectively compete with
your competitors in the market. Step 7 Financial management. Identify the
intended sources of capital for your
fish farm and how you plan to use
this capital in your venture. Outline
how the profits will be used to
enhance the fish farm and the measures that will be put in place
to prevent or reduce losses. In this
step you should also be able to
show the projected cash flow
statement, income statement and
the balance sheet statement for the next 12 months. Step 8 Conclusion Give your
recommendations and conclusion
in this section on the viability of
the small scale fish farm. Tips & Warnings Consult a professional accountant
to prepare the projected financial
statements to add credibility to
your feasibility report.

call 08032861326 for consultancy



Fish farming or aquaculture is a
growing industry full of
opportunities due to the increased
demand for fish as a source of
important nutrients for healthy
living. A small scale fish farm is relatively easy to establish since
the requirements are minimal and
the start-up costs are not
overwhelming. A feasibility report
analyzes an intended project in
terms of its viability, start-up costs and profitability. An ideal small
scale fish farming feasibility report
should include the following steps. Step 1 Introduction. The introduction part
of the feasibility report should
outline the importance and the
advantages of small scale fish
farming. Explain your project fully
in this section. Outline briefly how the project will be rolled out, how
you plan to benefit from the
project and the processes that will
be involved. Basically it is a
summary of the small scale fish
farming project. Step 2 Description of the project. In this
section, clearly outline the project's
location, the environment
surrounding it and the availability
of the resources required to start a
small scale fish farm. Highlight the project's mission and vision.
Business goals and the objectives
should also be included. Also
include a brief history of the
project and what motivated you to
start the fish farm. Step 3 Market description. Describe the
type of industry you will be
operating in, whether you will be
selling your products as a
wholesaler or a retailer. Identify
your target market and how you plan to penetrate that market.
Outline the marketing strategies
you will employ to market your
fish. Step 4 Description of your products.
Highlight different species of fish
that you will be rearing. Describe
how you selected those species.
Explain the pricing of your
products and the competitive edge your fish products have over other
products in the market. Step 5 Organization plan Outline the legal
structure under which the small
scale fish farm will operate,
whether it will be a sole
proprietorship, partnership or a
limited liability company. Identify the type of permits and licenses
that will be required for the
project. Explain the number of staff
and their qualifications that will be
necessary to successfully run the
fish farm. Outline how they will be organized in terms of duties and
responsibilities. Step 6 Marketing plan. Illustrate how you
plan to conduct your market
research to identify how you will
segment your market and how you
plan to satisfy each market
segment. Market segmentation entails identifying the different
portions of the market that are
different from one another in
terms of lifestyle, income levels,
location and spending habits.
Explain the strategies that will be used in the sale and distribution of
your fish to each market segment
to satisfy their unique needs. Also
include the strategies you will
employ to effectively compete with
your competitors in the market. Step 7 Financial management. Identify the
intended sources of capital for your
fish farm and how you plan to use
this capital in your venture. Outline
how the profits will be used to
enhance the fish farm and the measures that will be put in place
to prevent or reduce losses. In this
step you should also be able to
show the projected cash flow
statement, income statement and
the balance sheet statement for the next 12 months. Step 8 Conclusion Give your
recommendations and conclusion
in this section on the viability of
the small scale fish farm. Tips & Warnings Consult a professional accountant
to prepare the projected financial
statements to add credibility to
your feasibility report.
call 08032861326


Nutrient requirements and feeding
characteristics of channel catfish
have been extensively researched.
This research has provided the
basis for the formulation of
efficient, economical diets and for the development of feeding
strategies - both of which have
been instrumental in the success of
the catfish industry. Nutrition Catfish farmers are able to feed a
nutritionally complete diet that
provides required levels of
nutrients and energy in a readily
digestible form. It is essential to
provide a complete diet because catfish can synthesize only a small
portion of the required nutrients
and the quantity of nutrients from
natural food organisms in the pond
is relatively small. Forty nutrients
have been identified as necessary for the normal metabolic function
of channel catfish. Based on current knowledge, a
digestible energy to crude protein
(DE/P) ratio of 8.5-10 kcal/gram is
adequate for use in commercial
catfish feeds. Ratios above this
range may lead to increased fat deposition and if the energy ratio
is too low, the fish will grow
slowly. Catfish feeds contain grain or grain
by-products that are rich in starch.
In addition to providing an
inexpensive energy source, starch
helps bind feed ingredients
together and increases expansion of extruded feeds so that the feed
pellets are water stable and float in
the water. A typical catfish feed
contains 25 percent or more of
digestible carbohydrates. Lipid levels in commercial catfish
feeds rarely exceed 5-6 percent.
About 3-4 percent of the lipid is
inherent in the feed ingredients,
with the remaining 1-2 percent
being sprayed onto the finished pellets to reduce feed “fines”.
Both vegetable and animal lipids
have been used for pellet coating. Considerable work has been
conducted over the last 10 years
concerning the level of dietary
protein and amino acids needed for
cost effective growth. Data from
these studies indicate that the dietary protein requirement for
various life stages of catfish ranges
from about 25-50 percent. Recent
studies have indicated that a
protein level of 28 percent is
adequate for growout when fish are fed to satiation. Catfish feed are generally
supplemented with a vitamin
premix to meet dietary
requirements and to compensate
for losses due to feed manufacture
and storage. Catfish feeds are also supplemented with phosphorus
and a trace mineral premix.
However, there is evidence that
supplemental trace minerals may
not be need in diets using animal
proteins. Feeds There are various types of catfish
feeds. The type being used at any
particular time is a function of size
of fish being fed, whether the fish
are feeding at the surface or in the
water column, and if an antibiotic is incorporated. Catfish fry in hatcheries are fed
finely ground meal- or flour-type
feeds containing 45-50 percent
protein. Fines or crumbles from 28
or 32 percent protein feeds for
food fish growout are suitable for fry stocked in nursery ponds until
they reach 1-2 inches in length.
Larger fingerlings should be fed
small floating pellets (1/8 inch
diameter) containing 35 percent
protein. Advanced fingerlings (5-6 inches) and food fish are generally
fed a floating feed of
approximately 5/32 - 3/16 inch in
diameter containing 28-32 percent
protein. Some producers switch to
a slow-sinking feed during the winter. Antibiotics are administered to
catfish through incorporation in
feeds. Depending on the particular
antibiotic chosen, the feed may
either be floating or sinking. Feeding Despite considerable research,
feeding catfish is far from an exact
science. It is a highly subjective
process that differs among catfish
farmers. The variation in feeding
practices is a product of numerous factors such as cropping system,
fish size, ability to manage water
quality, experience of feeding
labor, and difficulty in estimating
fish inventory. In general, fish should be fed once
a day as much feed as they will
consume without adversely
affecting water quality. However,
depending on water quality
variables and the health of the fish, it may be advisable to restrict the
daily feed allowance or to feed less
often. Long-term feed allowance
should not exceed 100-125 pounds
per acre per day. Most catfish producers feed once a
day, 7 days a week during the
warmer months. Although feeding
twice a day may slightly improve
growth of fingerlings, the logistics
of multiple feedings on large catfish farms make it impractical. Feed is typically blown onto the
surface of the water using
mechanical feeders. Feeds should
be scattered over as wide an area
as possible to provide equal
feeding opportunities for as many fish as possible. Feeding with
prevailing winds allows the feed to
float across the pond and
minimizes the amount of feed
washing ashore. Overfeeding
should be avoided since wasted feed increases production costs.
call us on 08032861326


Site Selection and Development Water and land are the two most
important natural resources to
consider when developing a catfish
farm. These resources have a
significant effect on site-
development costs, year-to-year operations and profitability. Quality and quantity of available
water are primary considerations
for a production facility. A ground
water source is preferred. Using
surface waters such as rivers and
streams can introduce unwanted fishes, parasites or diseases into
production ponds. Also, most
surface waters vary seasonally in
quality and quantity. Watershed
ponds are the least desirable
production system. They must be managed differently from ponds
filled by ground water because
most depend solely on rainfall as
the water source. All potential water sources should
be checked for quality--mineral
content, pH and possible
contaminants. The quantity of
water available also should be
determined. Some ground water sources do not have enough
volume to adequately supply
production ponds. For example, a 5-acre production
pond with an average depth of 4
feet has 20 acre-feet of water. One
acre-foot of water equals 325,851
gallons. A well yielding 50 gallons
per minute (gpm) requires 2,172.3 hours or 90.5 days of continuous
pumping to fill the pond. A 1,000
gpm well would take 108.6 hours
or 4.5 days to fill the same pond.
Due to the combined effects of
evaporation and seepage, ponds can lose 1/4 inches or more of
water depth each day. A 5-acre
pond could lose 33,943 gallons
daily. In this example, it would
take the 50 gpm well 11.3 hours to
replace the water lost due to evaporation in a 24-hour period
and the 1000 gpm well about 34
minutes. Under average conditions
in the southeastern United States, a
minimum water supply of about 17
gpm is needed for each acre of water. Water distribution and pumping
costs should be considered in
determining the potential of a site.
Well installation is a major, fixed
cost. Whether ground or surface
waters are used, pumping costs should be estimated. The height
water has to be lifted significantly
affects energy costs. Topography and soil type are also
important considerations. Earth
moving is the most expensive cost
in pond construction. Generally,
relatively flat terrain is less
expensive to develop. Clearing trees, rocks or other features can
contribute greatly to costs.
Geological formations, such as
lime-sinks and rock outcrops, may
be a problem. Generally, soils
having 25% or less clay should be avoided. If land previously used for
agriculture is considered, a
pesticide analysis of the soil is


Broodstock Selection As in other animal enterprises, the
quality and quantity of the young
produced are directly related to
the quality of the broodstock. For a
successful fingerling operation, use
the best broodstock available and provide proper care for it.
Broodstock selection factors
include: 1. Fish should be 3-10 pounds and 3-6
years of age. 2. Fish recently taken from the wild
should be avoided. 3. Fish from sources having a history
of catfish virus disease should be
avoided. 4. Fish should be full-bodied with no
visible signs of sores or
hemorrhages. 5. A ratio of about three females for
every two males is recommended. Determine the sex of each brooder
(Figure 1). Primary and secondary
sex traits are used to separate
males from females. Body shape
and color are examples of
secondary traits. Mature males usually have a larger, broader and
more angular head than females of
the same size. Near spawning time,
males develop muscle pads on the
head and become very dark grey
to black. Just before spawning, females have soft, swollen bellies
due to egg development. Never use secondary traits as the
only method to identify males and
females. These traits may not be
apparent in younger fish. The sex
should be confirmed by examining
the genitals. There are two openings on the belly. The opening
nearest the head is the anus and
the one nearest the tail is the
genital opening of both sexes. Just
before the spawning season,
female genitals are red, swollen and sometimes pulsating. In the
off-season, the area is oval and flat.
In the off-season, the male genital
is less oval than the females. Just
prior to the spawning season, a
swollen, nipple-like genital papilla may be seen on the males. Broodstock must be in good
condition for optimal spawning
success. Provide a quality ration
daily during warm weather. When
water temperatures are below
65°F, feed every other day at 1% of their body weight. At
temperatures below 55°F, fish may
not feed. Fish should gain about
50% of their body weight from one
spawning season to the next. Stocking weight of broodfish
should not exceed 800-1,200
pounds of fish per acre at any time
during the year. Broodstock with
deformities and other problems
should be sorted, culled and replaced each year. To avoid
possible loss of all brooders, keep
fish in more than one pond.



A feasibility study prepared for a catfish farm of capacity is 10,000 and fingerlings of high breed catfish where to be stocked. The expenses from pond contruction to marketing is in considered.
The farm is to have 10 concrete ponds of flow through system and each pond is to contains 1,000 stocked catfish.

Cost of constructing each pond is as follows.
Each pond is 3m x 2.5m by 1.4m, each pond consumes 210 blocks and each bag of cement for 30 blocks. Hence 210 x 10 = 2,100 blocks. 2,100/30 = 70 bags of cement needed. 70 x 200 = 140,000 naira.
4trips of sand used =700x4= 28,000 naira.
2trips of gravel = 32,000x 2= 64,000 naira.
Cost of labour =150,000 naira.
Cost of plumbing(inlet and outlet facility).=100,000.
Cost of bore hole =500,000 naira.
Cost of treatment= 50,000.
Cost of high breedfingerlings 30x10,000=300,000 naira.
Cost of feeding from day one to maturity stage is 200 bags of foreign feed = 1,000000 naira.
After the average weiht of the fish was 1.7kg. And it was sold at 800 naira each. The output was 800 x 9800 fishes, due to 200 mortality.
800 x 9800= 7,840,000 naira.
Input is 3.4'million naira.'
The profit is 4.44,000 million naira after six months of culture.
For your feasibility study call us on 08032861326


Feasibility Study on Catfish Farming Feasibility study on catfish farming – Catfish Feasibility reports / studies discusses the practicality, and possibly the suitability and compatibility of a given project, both in physical and economic terms. It therefore follows that every project must have a feasibility report done before its commencement. We undertake the preparation of feasibility study on catfish farming businesses from table size fish production, fingerling production,fish feed production,piggery house construction at moderate prices. Start your own fish farm today,call Mr Kingsley on 08032861326.

About Us

Fingerlings & Feeds production, Pond Construction, fisheries consultancy, feasibility study for farms,piggery managment and all Agro matters.


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